"Mastering Hindi to English Translation Sentences Lesson 11: Overcoming Language Barriers with Accuracy"
Welcome to Hindi To English Translation Sentences Course. We have given you many lessons on Hindi To English Translation Sentences Lesson 11 here.
This course is designed for those who want to learn how to do Hindi to English translation sentences properly. In every lesson you will get many hindi to english translation sentences.
Make sure that you write the following sentences in your copy. By doing this you will improve your spelling, handwriting, and English language.
Table of Contents
Hindi To English Translation Sentences Lesson 11 (Set 1)
Serial no. | Hindi Sentence | Pronunciation of Hindi sentence | Hindi to English Sentence |
1 | हम आज दोपहर शुरू करेंगे। | ham aaj dopahar shuroo karenge. | We will start this afternoon.
We’ll start this afternoon. |
2 | तुम्हारा चेहरा लाल है। | tumhaara chehara laal hai. | Your face is red. |
3 | अमित को प्रथम पुरस्कार मिला, है ना? | amit ko pratham puraskaar mila, hai na? | Amit got first prize, didn’t he? |
4 | मैं इस पर चर्चा नहीं करना चाहता। | main is par charcha nahin karana chaahata. | I do not want to discuss it.
I don’t want to discuss it. |
5 | क्या यह आपका बहाना है? | kya yah aapaka bahaana hai? | Is that your excuse? |
6 | मैं भाग्यशाली नहीं हूँ। | main bhaagyashaalee nahin hoon. | I am not lucky. |
7 | क्या आप मुझे माफ कर सकते हैं? | kya aap mujhe maaph kar sakate hain? | Can you forgive me? |
8 | एक पिता के रूप में राज पूरी तरह से असफल हैं। | ek pita ke roop mein raaj pooree tarah se asaphal hain. | Raj is a complete failure as a father. |
9 | वे आपकी जगह नहीं ले सकते। | ve aapakee jagah nahin le sakate. | They cannot replace you.
They can’t replace you. |
10 | मैं सुझाव लेने के लिए बिलकुल तैयार हूँ। | main sujhaav lene ke lie bilakul taiyaar hoon. | I am wide open for suggestions.
I’m wide open for suggestions. |
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Hindi To English Translation Sentences Lesson 11 (Set 2)
Serial no. | Hindi Sentence | Pronunciation of Hindi sentence | Hindi to English Sentence |
11 | मेरी जैकेट कार में है। | meree jaiket kaar mein hai. | My jacket is in the car. |
12 | कौन छोड़ गया? | kaun chhod gaya? | Who quit? |
13 | चलो खाते हैं। | chalo khaate hain. | Let’s eat.
Let us eat. |
14 | कितना प्यारा है! | kitana pyaara hai! | How cute! |
15 | चुप हो जाओ और सुनो। | chup ho jao aur suno. | Shut up and listen. |
16 | चलो यहाँ रहते हैं। | chalo yahaan rahate hain. | Let’s live here.
Let us live here. |
17 | क्या यह मजाक है? | kya yah majaak hai? | Is that fun? |
18 | कोशिश करो और खुश दिखो। | koshish karo aur khush dikho. | Try and look happy. |
19 | सभी ने प्रार्थना की। | sabhee ne praarthana kee. | Everyone prayed. |
20 | मैंने सचिन को जीतने दिया। | mainne sachin ko jeetane diya. | I let Sachin win. |
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Hindi To English Translation Sentences Lesson 11 (Set 3)
Serial no. | Hindi Sentence | Pronunciation of Hindi sentence | Hindi to English Sentence |
21 | हम यहां रहते थे। | ham yahaan rahate the. | We used to live here. |
22 | किसको चोट लगी? | kisako chot lagee? | Who got hurt? |
23 | वे एक बड़े शहर में रहते हैं। | ve ek bade shahar mein rahate hain. | They live in a big city. |
24 | यह बहुत शर्मनाक है। | yah bahut sharmanaak hai. | It is so embarrassing.
It’s so embarrassing. |
25 | यह एक कष्टप्रद आदत है। | yah ek kashtaprad aadat hai. | That is an annoying habit.
That’s an annoying habit. |
26 | मैं एक साधारण जीवन जीता हूं। | main ek saadhaaran jeevan jeeta hoon. | I live a simple life. |
27 | रोहन विदेश में रह रहा है। | rohan videsh mein rah raha hai. | Rohan is living abroad. |
28 | मैं एक अच्छा जीवन यापन करता हूं। | main ek achchha jeevan yaapan karata hoon. | I make a good living. |
29 | थिएटर के पीछे एक पार्किंग स्थल है। | thietar ke peechhe ek paarking sthal hai. | There is a parking lot behind the theater.
There’s a parking lot behind the theater. |
30 | रीता को पिकनिक रद्द करनी पड़ सकती है। | reeta ko pikanik radd karanee pad sakatee hai. | Rita may have to cancel the picnic. |
Hindi To English Translation Sentences Lesson 11 (Set 4)
Serial no. | Hindi Sentence | Pronunciation of Hindi sentence | Hindi to English Sentence |
31 | वहां कोई नहीं रहता। | vahaan koee nahin rahata. | Nobody lives there. |
32 | वह दयालु है। | vah dayaalu hai. | He is kind.
He’s kind. |
33 | मैं यहाँ नहीं रहता। | main yahaan nahin rahata. | I do not live here.
I don’t live here. |
34 | वह अपने भाई के साथ रहती है। | vah apane bhaee ke saath rahatee hai. | She lives with her brother. |
35 | कानून से ऊपर कोई नहीं है। | kaanoon se oopar koee nahin hai. | No one is above the law. |
36 | वह उसके कन्धों से लिपट गयी। | vah usake kandhon se lipat gayee. | She leaned on his shoulder. |
37 | क्या मैं आपका बोर्डिंग पास देख सकता हूँ? | kya main aapaka bording paas dekh sakata hoon? | May I see your boarding pass, please? |
38 | यह फैक्ट्री ऑटोमोबाइल पार्ट्स बनाती है। | yah phaiktree otomobail paarts banaatee hai. | This factory manufactures automobile parts. |
39 | क्या वह यहाँ रहता है? | kya vah yahaan rahata hai? | Does he live here? |
40 | बहस मत करो। | bahas mat karo. | Do not argue.
Don’t argue. |
Hindi To English Translation Sentences Lesson 11 (Set 5)
Serial no. | Hindi Sentence | Pronunciation of Hindi sentence | Hindi to English Sentence |
41 | अब अलविदा कहने का समय आ गया है। | ab alavida kahane ka samay aa gaya hai. | It is time to say goodbye.
It’s time to say goodbye. |
42 | आप कहाँ रहते हैं? | aap kahaan rahate hain? | Where do you live? |
43 | स्थिर रहो। | sthir raho. | Stay still. |
44 | मुझे तुमसे ईर्ष्या है। | mujhe tumase eershya hai. | I envy you. |
45 | क्या वे यहाँ रहते थे? | kya ve yahaan rahate the? | Did they live here? |
46 | मैं जीना चाहता हुँ। | main jeena chaahata hun. | I want to live. |
47 | उन्होंने कठिन जीवन जिया। | unhonne kathin jeevan jiya. | He lived a hard life. |
48 | रवि कभी नहीं सुनता। | ravi kabhee nahin sunata. | Ravi never listens. |
49 | मैं 2.30 बजे तक अपनी डेस्क पर पूरी रिपोर्ट चाहता हूं। | main 2.30 baje tak apanee desk par pooree riport chaahata hoon. | I want a complete report on my desk by 2.30. |
50 | मैं उसे माफ नहीं कर सकता। | main use maaf nahi kar sakta. | I cannot forgive him.
I can’t forgive him.
I cannot forgive her.
I can’t forgive her. |
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Raghunath Sir!